Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Post of the Day

"Look skyward now...
And see above... INFINITY
Vast and dark and deep
And endless... your heritage:
Silent clouds of stars,
Other worlds uncountable and other suns
beyond numbering
And realms of fire-mist and star-cities
as grains of sand...
Across the void...
Across the gulf of night...
Across the endless rain of years...
Across the ages."



  1. I love the lines
    "Across the gulf of night...
    Across the endless rain of years..."

    I'm sure I'll steal these lines sometime and think they're my own...

  2. Mr.Drive By has a way of "borrowing" lines of great thought and claiming them as his own!

    He is using a bunch of my random stuff.......Marc protect your self!
